Using a community-wide approach, an early childhood literacy program is helping all children, including underserved and ELL students, learn the language fundamentals needed to succeed in […]
Almost one quarter of U.S. children speak a language other than English at home. When these students enter the school system, they face the challenge of […]
Challenge Research shows that the foundation for success in life begins during the critical period from birth to age 5 when 90% of brain development happens. […]
Raymondville ISD began partnering with Footsteps2Brilliance in 2014 to create a powerful school-to-home learning model in pre-K through 3rd grade. During this partnership, Raymondville has increased […]
Challenge Research shows that the foundation for success in life begins during the critical period from birth to age 5 when 90% of brain development happens. […]
August 2021 Challenge When Dr. Michael Conner, Superintendent, joined Middletown Public Schools in 2017, he rallied the entire community to create “Bridge to Brilliance”—a citywide literacy […]
Superintendent Avila’s strategic priority to have all students reading proficiently by 3rd grade is experiencing tremendous traction—in just 5 months! During the 2017-18 school year, Dr. […]
Raymondville’s Reading Results Ten years ago, Raymondville ISD brought Footsteps2Brilliance into their schools to ensure that their students had the foundational skills needed to become proficient […]
Footsteps2Brilliance is founded on research-based principles. Footsteps2Brilliance is a comprehensive bilingual English and Spanish early literacy program founded in the latest research. The following principles are […]