Days of the Week

In this week's Family Friday you will create something you can use every day! After you sing about the different days in Seven Days of the Week you will create a check-in chart that includes the day, the weather, and a special activity. Have fun!

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Los Dias de la Semana

¡Para este Viernes en Familia, crearás algo que puedas usar todos los días! Después de cantar sobre los diferentes días en Los Siete Días de la semana, crearás una tabla de registro que incluye el día, el clima y una actividad especial. ¡Que te diviertas!

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Shapes Everywhere

This week's Family Friday will put your creativity to the test. After reading Shapes Everywhere, you will create a park scene using shapes you see every day. Have fun with this geometry activity for kids!

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Counting with Lucy the Ladybug

For this week's Family Friday, we will be practicing our counting skills with Lucy the Ladybug! Read about Lucy's time at the farm through our Alphabet Animals series. Your children will create their own Lucy the Ladybug and practice counting while putting dots on her back. Read our step-by-step guide and have fun playing this interactive activity with your child at home!

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Contando con Lucy la mariquita

Para este Viernes en familia, vamos a practicar nuestras habilidades de contar con Lucy la mariquita! Lea sobre cómo la pasó Lucy en la granja en nuestra serie de Animales del alfabeto. Su hijo creará su propia Lucy la mariquita y practicara contar mientras pone puntos en su espalda. Lea nuestra guía paso a paso y diviertase jugando esta actividad interactiva con su hijo en casa!

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