City of Covington Uses Footsteps2Brilliance to Unite the Community for Early Literacy During COVID


April 28 – Covington, KY.

Mayor Joe Meyer of Covington, Kentucky and his team have implemented an innovative approach to Early Literacy. Read Ready Covington is a city-wide coalition that engages all sectors of the community in maximizing early literacy efforts. Their coalition recognizes Footsteps2Brilliance as a vital component in its collective impact approach, especially during this past year as part of Covid-19 virtual learning. Read Ready Covington’s goals include increasing the percentage of children who enter kindergarten ready to learn and read proficiently by third grade. These goals align perfectly with Footsteps2Brilliance resources and are boosted by another City of Covington initiative called Covington Connect, a citywide free WIFI network to address the digital divide.

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How School Leaders Are Leveraging Technology to Accelerate Student Learning

Washington, D.C. - On Tuesday, Feb. 9th at 3:30 EST, The Campaign for Grade Level Reading will showcase Dr. Barbara Nemko, Napa County Superintendent of Schools and Footsteps2Brilliance, to discuss how Napa County and other organizations throughout the nation have used technology to prepare children for kindergarten and stem learning loss caused by the pandemic.

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Hawthorne School District Receives $100,000 Grant from GRoW @ Annenberg Foundation for Citywide Literacy Support

Hawthorne School District is pleased to announce that it has received a grant from GRoW @ Annenberg in the amount of $100,000 for the innovative work that Superintendent Dr. Helen Morgan is doing to support citywide literacy. This grant will be used to extend the successful literacy partnership the district developed with Footsteps2Brilliance®.  It provides access to Footstep2Brilliance’s proven bilingual pre-K to 3rd grade literacy solution to every family in the city of Hawthorne.

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ALAS Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Footsteps2Brilliance CEO, Ilene Rosenthal, has joined the ALAS Advisory Council based in Washington, DC.  ALAS, the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents, is committed to serving the educational needs of all students with an emphasis on Latin/o/a/x youth by building capacity, promoting best practices, and transforming educational institutions.

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The Girl Who Cried Wolf

This week, you and your children will read The Girl Who Cried Wolf and write a new fable. If you haven't already, read The Boy Who Cried Wolf as well. Your children will get to go through the writing process and make their own creative version of these stories! Have fun with this fable writing activity!

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La niña mentirosa

Esta semana, usted y sus niños leerán La niña mentirosa y escribirán una nueva fábula. Recuerden que leyeron El niño y el lobo la semana pasada. Van a completar el proceso de escritura usando su creatividad para escribir su propia versión de estos cuentos.

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College Bound from Birth

The language gap between rich and poor children begins at birth.  In fact, Stanford University research found that 2-year-old children of lower income families may already be 6 months behind in language development.  Early learning gives the strongest return on investment, providing a clear path to a college education and career success.

Footsteps2Brilliance is excited to announce our partnership with College Bound from Birth. Designed and delivered by the early childhood education experts at Collaborative for Children, College Bound from Birth is a three-year quality improvement program offered at no cost in selected neighborhoods throughout Texas.  Program components aim to improve the quality of early learning, leading to kindergarten readiness.  Nobel Prize winning economist, James Heckman, whose research has proven the economic benefits of quality early learning, serves on the Collaborative for Children’s Advisory Board.

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Announcing New Data Dashboards

We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand new data dashboards!

Based on extensive collaboration between our education and engineering teams, the new dashboards leverage big data solutions to provide just-in-time, actionable data for teachers and administrators. Best of all, the data dashboards are easy to interpret and appealing for early-grade teachers to work with. Teachers can easily answer:

  • Who is falling behind?
  • What are students' strengths and weaknesses?
  • How can I group students to best serve individual needs?
  • Are students making progress?
  • Which books are students reading?
  • Are students developing as writers?

And, of course, the new dashboards make it easier than ever to virtually take attendance and monitor student activity.

With data dashboards, we completely rethought what proficiency data looks like. No more endless charts and tables. Instead, we’ve created a tool that teachers will enjoy coming back to again and again, to find new ways to help their students excel.

To get started exploring your data, simply click Dashboards when you log in on


The Challenge of Online Learning for Young Children

The COVID pandemic is affecting how we educate our students. Remote instruction has not only become necessary, it’s requiring schools to meet new standards that often tie directly to funding. The fact is that online learning has created new challenges for our general population of students and creates even more challenges for our most vulnerable students.


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