Sacar la ropa

Para este Viernes en familia, jugaremos un juego de clasificación. En Sacar la ropa, los niños aprenderán todo sobre las estaciones y que tipo de ropa se debería poner durante cada estación. Los niños practicarán sus habilidades de clasificar al colocar la ropa y actividades correctas en la estación apropiada. ¡Lea nuestra guía paso a paso para ver cómo se puede jugar esta actividad interactiva en casa!

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Serving the Next Generation of Scientists

We are excited to announce a new book series to inspire your budding scientists! The new Physical Science & Engineering series can be found in Level 3 of the Footsteps2Brilliance app. This series encourages students’ curiosity by explaining sophisticated concepts using simple language--bringing science to life in English and Spanish.



Developed in close alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards, this series encourages your students' curiosity, including books that cover both concepts and procedures. Each book also develops critical literacy skills and includes quiz games to practice comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar.

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A Brand New Book Series Will Develop Super Phonics!

Super Sounds Phonics Book Covers

We are excited to introduce a whole new book series in Red Level 1 that enriches systematic and explicit phonics instruction—particularly in dual language classrooms. With 30 interactive books, the Super Sounds Book Series teaches the common sound for each alphabet letter along with a few of the common digraphs. In Spanish, we've even included an extra book that introduces the important skill of segmenting sílabas (syllables).


In order to read, children need to understand the alphabetic principle—the idea that written letters represent the sounds of spoken language. When children learn the relationships between sounds and letters, they have the keys to become proficient readers. Super Sounds books are carefully designed to make the relationship between sounds and letters easily understood.

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We’re Leveling Up Language Skills!

We are thrilled to announce four brand new games to strengthen students' language skills. Take a look in the Language Skills series for these new titles:

  1. Noun Nebula (Yellow Level): sort cards to learn that a noun is a person, place, thing, or animal.
  2. Verb Village (Yellow Level): identify a verb as a word that shows action.
  3. Prefix Presents (Blue Level): add a prefix to change the meaning of a word.
  4. Suffix Search (Blue Level): identify which word with a suffix has the target meaning.

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Celebrating Our Spanish-Speaking Students and Families

We are excited to announce a whole new book series in Level 1 that celebrates our Spanish-speaking students and families.  Presented in their native Spanish with a delightful English translation, the Traditional Spanish Songbooks series provides a wonderful opportunity to enrich students’ oral language.

Leveraging music and rhythm, the Traditional Spanish Songbooks are designed to develop our youngest students’ oral language. Our brains are wired to learn through music. The rhythm and rhyme in songs and nursery rhymes has a powerful effect on cognition—enabling children to develop fluent oral language and awareness of sounds long before they are able to read. By singing along, children enrich their vocabulary and create a foundation for future reading success.

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Welcome, Wheeler the Whale!

We are excited to welcome Wheeler the Whale to our Mega Mouth 2 Decoder series in Level 2. The Mega Mouth Decoders teach English phonics, and Wheeler is our new character for the “wh” digraph. As always, we dug into the research to determine the best way to pronounce Wheeler’s phoneme.


While English speakers often pronounce “wh” the same as “w” (listen for your own pronunciation of which and witch), speech pathologists and reading specialists recommend associating the “wh” digraph with the /hw/ sound.

The /hw/ sound is unvoiced like /h/, but the lips are pursed to direct air forward in the shape of /w/.  You might have children explore their mouth position by pretending they are blowing out a candle. To emphasize the position of the mouth, have the children try to “blow out a candle” by making the /h/ sound or the /w/ sound alone. Neither sound is effective for directing air to the candle. Then have children combine the sounds to make /hw/.

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Transform the Summer Slide into the Summer Climb

Summer is right around the corner and we are so proud to have contributed to student achievement this school year. Did you know that Footsteps2Brilliance can also be part of your strategy to combat the "Summer Slide?" Whether you are organizing summer school, or creating take-home packets for your parents, or even planning a school-wide reading challenge, we have resources to help you make summer a time to climb. Here are a few strategies to help students soar this summer:

  1. Use the 4 weeks of intensive reading lessons in  Summer ClimbTM for your summer school
  2. Send home Reading Race progress charts and set a class, school, or district-wide reading challenge
  3. Announce a lofty reading goal and prepare to celebrate success

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Even More Support for Spanish Literacy Development

The English-Spanish toggle button has always been a highlight of the Footsteps2Brilliance experience. Parents and teachers often praise this unique feature that allows children to seamlessly toggle between identical learning in both languages. For these learners and anyone in a bilingual classroom, we are thrilled to announce even more support for Spanish literacy development.

Hundreds of Spanish Phonics Games in Footsteps2Brilliance

It's a Spanish Phonics Fiesta!

In the last few weeks, you may have noticed update buttons on games in the Footsteps2Brilliance School App. These updates are offering even more Spanish phonics practice, including:

  • Interactive syllable tiles that help children hear and manipulate Spanish syllables
  • Interactive phoneme tiles that help children hear and build words from Spanish sounds
  • New letter and digraph games that help children associate Spanish letters with sounds

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