Teacher Tip Tuesday: English Learner Series Tip #2

How to help your English Learners strengthen their background knowledge

Strengthening background knowledge is crucial for effective literacy instruction, especially for English Learners. It’s also the perfect time to tap into what excites your students most! For many, that’s Amazing Amphibians. Read on to learn how to use this book unit to help your English Learners gain important scientific background knowledge. 

Teacher Tip Tuesday English Learner Series Tip #2

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Make your own banana boat with Anyway Cafe

This week’s Family Friday is a tasty treat for all ages. After reading Anyway Cafe, you will make your very own banana boat! Just like in the story, you can make this desert anyway you want. Read our step-by-step guide on how to make this dessert at home. Have fun with this sundae craft!

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¡Haz tu propio barco banana! con Cafe de Cualquier Manera

El Viernes en Familia de esta semana es una delicia para todas las edades. Después de leer Cafe de Cualquier Manera, ¡harás tu propio bote banana! Al igual que en la historia, puedes hacer este postre como quieras. Lea nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo hacer este postre en casa. ¡Que te diviertas!

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Teacher Tip Tuesday: English Learner Series Tip #1

How to help your English Learners improve their reading comprehension

If you’ve ever noticed that your English Learners (or any students) can decode like pros, but are not showing the same levels of skill in comprehension yet, read on to see how to use the Footsteps2Brilliance book unit, Get out the Clothes, and a corresponding vocabulary game to help your students thrive!

Teacher Tip Tuesday English Learner Series Tip #1

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Tierra y el cielo: volcanos

Este Viernes en familia vamos a hacer un volcán. Después de leer sobre esta ocurrencia natural de nuestra serie El planeta tierra y el cielo, podrá ver su propia erupción. ¡Diviértase!

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Earth and Sky: Volcanos

This week’s Family Friday, you will get to make a volcano. After reading about this natural occurrence in our Earth and Sky series, you will get to see your very own volcano erupt. Have fun STEM volcano craft!

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Miss Kentucky 2022 Hannah Edelen Challenges Early Learners to Read and Write During National Family Literacy Month Modeled after Mayor Joe Meyer’s Early Childhood Initiative in Covington, KY.

For Immediate Release

Miss Kentucky 2022 Hannah Edelen  is challenging all Kentucky early learners to read and write during National Family Literacy Month beginning on November 1.  Joining this effort, Footsteps2Brilliance, a bilingual early literacy solution, is offering Kentucky children and families free access to interactive eBooks, songs, and games in English and Spanish. Kentucky families can access this free library at www.footsteps2brilliance.com/kentucky.


Inspired by Read Ready Covington‘s local initiative under the leadership of Mayor Joe Meyer, Hannah, a Kentucky teacher and author, created Read Ready Kentucky to equip all children with the tools to change the world through reading. As part of her Read Ready Kentucky campaign, she has partnered with Footsteps2Brilliance to provide access to a free library of 500+ interactive educational activities. Families can use this free library to participate in National Family Literacy Month by:

  • Reading books
  • Using the Footsteps2Brilliance Create-a-Book feature to write their own books
  • Recording themselves singing or reading the books
  • Taking selfies of themselves reading with their families
  • Sending their best work to Hannah at MissKY@footsteps2brilliance.com


“The access that all children will have through this free bilingual interactive library creates a much-needed bridge for literacy between school and home,” says Mayor Joe Meyer. “We look forward to seeing the students’ successes during National Family Literacy month.”

Participants will receive certificates signed by Miss Kentucky 2022. A select number also will receive a signed copy of Hannah’s book, Hank the Horse and the Case of the Missing Eggs or Honey the Horse and Kentucky Proud. Hannah wrote these books to teach young children, in a developmentally appropriate way, the importance of critically analyzing information and the value of Kentucky agriculture.

About Mayor Joe Meyer’s “Read Ready Covington”
Read Ready Covington is a city-wide early literacy initiative that helps families, caregivers and educators prepare our littlest readers to become future leaders. By using free access to learning applications such as Footsteps2Brilliance® and Clever Kids University® as well as other educational resources throughout the city, our shared goal creates an environment for lifelong learning in Covington that’s collaborative, comfortable and fun. Together, we are helping the children of Covington be prepared for a brighter future.


About Miss Kentucky 2022 Hannah Edelen
Hannah Edelen, Miss Kentucky 2022, is committed to student success. From teaching in her own classroom to inspiring students across the Commonwealth, Hannah encourages students to learn by sharing how education helped her overcome the obstacles in her life. Hannah recognizes the value of early literacy and how it is fundamental to creating a successful pathway whether it be attending a postsecondary institution, vocational training, military, or entering the workforce. “Together, let’s create a Read Ready Kentucky!””

About Footsteps2Brilliance
Footsteps2Brilliance, Inc. is the breakthrough early learning platform that accelerates early literacy achievement by uniting the power of mobile gaming technology with the latest in cognitive research. Footsteps2Brilliance provides enticing, interactive, 24/7 learning experiences that digitally link school and home to give students the edge they need for success in school today and the world tomorrow.  For further information contact: info@footsteps2brilliance.com.

Sparking Students’ Curiosity

We are excited to announce a new book series to inspire your students’ curiosity! The new Life Sciences series can be found in Level 3 of the Footsteps2Brilliance app. This series provides rich informational text to develop students background knowledge and vocabulary—bringing science to life in English and Spanish.



Life Sciences Book Series

Beautiful Birds Book Unit

Developed in close alignment with the Next Generation Science Standards, this series explores the life sciences. Students have the opportunity to compare and contrast information between books as they learn the characteristics that make each animal kingdom unique. Throughout the series, students develop their understanding of animal adaptations, life cycles, ecosystems, and habitats. Students are drawn into the topics with high-interest photographs and diagrams.

Each book unit includes a series of activities designed to develop critical thinking, reading comprehension, Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary, and writing skills.

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